All weapons in Saints Row (2022) - Dot Esports

2022-08-26 23:34:52 By : Ms. Aiwa Xue

The Saints have guns galore.

In Saints Row, the player is the leader of the soon-to-be largest gang in Santo Ileso, The Saints. As with most criminal organizations, The Saints carry a lot of weapons to prepare for any potential firefights that might break out. In fact, there are a lot of weapons in the game that the player can use to rein down destruction on the other three gangs in the city.

These are all the weapons that you’ll be able to buy or unlock in Saints Row.

If Jack Torrance had this Axe in The Shining, he would’ve knocked down that door instantly. The signature ability is Bloodsucker, and you gain a small amount of health every time you hit an enemy. You can unlock it by killing 15 enemies from behind with regular attacks.

The sledgehammer deals the most damage of the melee weapons, but it’s slower to swing. Its signature ability is Swing Away, a lethal heavy attack that sends the enemy flying. You’ll need to kill five specialists with heavy attacks to get this ability. It has a visual mod that can turn it into the Bone Crusher weapon.

A crowbar is good for two things, creating leverage and making a good weapon when you’re low on options. With the signature ability Bashmaster, you can stagger enemies for longer and unlock it by staggering 250 Idols. It has a variation that’s a recreation of an old-school police baton.

Roleplay as an enraged prospector using this rusted Pickaxe to deal large amounts of damage to your enemies. The signature ability Bloodsucker lets players gain a small amount of health every time they hit an enemy, and you can unlock it by killing Specialists with regular attacks. The Pickaxe also has a visual mod that turns it into the Saintsblade, a hefty sword.

You can use this large bone club to devastate enemies from up close. The Swing Away! signature ability is a strong heavy attack that knocks enemies back. To unlock the Bone Crusher’s unique ability, you’ll need to kill 30 Marshall troops with it.

Rumored to be one of the greatest weapons in all of the Dustland, this sword will slice through your enemies with ease. It also doubles as a way to cover the food you might save for later. The signature ability Bleeding Edge does triple bleeding damage and can be unlocked by defeating 30 Dustlanders with the weapon.

Whether in the rainforest or the center of Santo Ileso, the Machete will come in handy, cutting through anything in your way. It also has the signature ability Bleeding Edge, which does triple bleeding damage, and you can unlock that by using the Machete to kill 30 Panteros. It also has different visual mods you’ll unlock after beating the main story.

If you want to sucker punch your enemies from afar, then the Pugnus Sanctus Dei is your go-to weapon. The weapon’s signature ability Double Fist deals a shockwave when you punch someone with both fists at once, and you can unlock it by punching 30 enemies with them.

Your enemies will surely find your Stun Batons shocking as you taser them at close range. The signature ability is called Electrotherapy, which gives health back when the player uses heavy melee attacks. You can unlock the ability by stunning 30 Marshall troops in Santo Ileso.

This bat would make Neegan jealous as it will seriously damage anybody unfortunate enough to get close to you. Its signature ability is Swing Away! and you need to kill 25 Specialists with heavy attacks. It has a visual mod that turns it into a crutch that injured people use to walk.

The Kobra pistol is a standard handgun in the style of a Glock that does average damage to enemies. The signature ability, Aim High, awards headshots with one of the last few rounds in the mag with a full reload. It has a couple of different visual mods, one being the sci-fi-based Star God Blaster.

Anyone who grew up getting shot with foam darts will agree that they can hurt more than they seem. Using the Dustlander Revolver will ensure that you get rid of your enemies within the rules established by the Dustland guide. It doesn’t have a signature ability or any visual mods.

If NPCs are getting too close, you can incapacitate them by sending 8,000 Volts of electricity through their extremities. With the signature ability, Shocktacular, the player can perform an AoE stun attack when it connects with the enemies. Shocktacular can be unlocked by tasing 30 different enemies.

The Handcannon is exactly what the name implies, a one-handed cannon that does devastating damage in exchange for recoil and fire rate. The signature ability Magnum Rounds inflicts some AoE damage and pushes the hit target back. You’ll need to shoot out the tires from 24 hostile Panteros vehicles to get Magnum Rounds.

The Idol Lite is the Collective’s answer to the standard Kobra with a neon paint job and an extended magazine that increases reload speed. The Trigger Happy signature makes the weapon a full-auto machine pistol and can be unlocked by getting 20 headshot kills.

The MDI-39m Sixguns is a pistol that’s also a rocket launcher, firing micro-missiles that will auto-target your enemies. The signature ability Rocket Rebound makes the rockets bounce to other enemies after hitting their targets and can be unlocked by killing 30 Marshalls with the Sixguns.

Based on the SMG made famous in different movies and TV shows, the Tek Z-10 is an average gun. With the signature ability Shocker Rounds, each reload will cycle through fire, electricity, and bleeding effects. To unlock Shocker Rounds, you’ll need to get 20 Marshall Double Kills with the handgun.

For those who want to feel like an old-timey gangster, the 1921 Johnson SMG is an antique that does plenty of damage in exchange for reduced accuracy. The Armor-Piercing Rounds inflict more damage on tough armored enemies, and they can be unlocked when you destroy 20 hostile enemy vehicles.

This is one of the smaller SMGs. It has the largest magazine due to how quickly the bullets fly out of it. The signature ability Improved Spray & Pray makes it so the longer you fire the come, the better the accuracy becomes, and you can unlock it by shooting 10,000 bullets from the gun.

For those who like to travel really light, the Machine Pistol is an average SMG that can be useful in many different situations. The signature ability Splattergun makes bullets inflict minor splash damage around the point of impact and is unlocked by getting 20 Idol double kills.

The Dustlander Crossbow allows you to fire foam darts at a slightly longer range with good damage but low reload speed. It doesn’t have a signature ability.

This standard automatic rifle gives players the option of a more accurate burst fire mode. The signature ability Beowulf Recover does more damage with the modified .50 receiver to vehicles and dynamic objects. You can unlock it by getting five kills with your last magazine in the gun.

The Krukov is similar to the Burt Rifle, but with a shorter stock and a longer magazine. The signature ability is called Johnny Fuse and as your killstreak increases, the cooldown on your takedown decreases. To unlock Johnny Fuse you need to kill 10 enemies with your last magazine.

The Safari Express Rifle is a large caliber gun that you could use to stop a charging animal but takes a while to reload. The signature ability Shock & Ouch makes the force from the muzzle blast stagger and damage enemies near you. You can unlock it by getting 10 long-range skills with the Safari Express Rifle.

For those Dustland fights that are up close and personal, the player can use the Dustlander Shotgun to blow their enemies away with foam pellets. It doesn’t have a signature ability.

The AS3 Ultimax is a large combat shotgun with a drum magazine that provides plenty of ammo. The signature ability Full Battle Ratte makes the shotgun fully automatic and can be unlocked by getting 10 triple kills with the shotgun.

If you need to protect your caravans from bandits, the Stagecoach Shotgun deals the most damage out of the shotguns. The signature ability Buffalo Shot has a chance of ragdolling and knocking the shot character backward.

This stolen piece of Marshall tech is a shotgun that does average damage with a decent fire rate. The signature ability Supercharger has a random chance of electrifying and stunning the target. It can be unlocked by killing a Gatling Gunner.

This shotgun is inspired by a police model with a modified choke to reduce the spread of the pellets. The signature ability Flechetter Shells are sharpened barbed darts that dig into the target and cause extra bleeding damage. You can unlock it by getting 10 double kills with the Police Shotgun.

With half a shotgun and double the recoil, the Sawed-Off is a force to be reckoned with at close range. With the signature ability Dragonbreath Shells, the player can shoot out incendiary rounds that will set the target on fire. Players can unlock Dragonbreath by killing 30 Idols with the shotgun.

This golden grenade launcher shoots out the Idol’s signature grenades, dealing slight damage at a high fire rate. The signature ability’s Flashgasm grenades spawn three smaller fireworks that explode and deal extra damage in an area. To unlock Flashgasm, you should kill 30 Idols with the Launcher.

The AT Rocket Launcher is a multi-rocket weapon specifically designed for larger vehicles like tanks and helicopters. The signature ability Guiding Eye lets you control the rockets by aiming with the reticle. You can unlock it by destroying 20 hostile Marshall vehicles.

The classic RPG Launcher that anyone who’s seen an action movie will recognize, you can use this weapon to devastate large groups of enemies or vehicles. With the signature ability Big Bang, the RPG warhead triples in payload, which means bigger explosions and more damage. To unlock Big Bang, you’ll need to shoot down five hostile aerial vehicles with an RPG.

The MDI-101 Multi Launcher fires a barrage of rockets, dealing devastating damage to your enemies courtesy of Marshall. The signature ability Full Salvo adds more rockets to the barrage and can be unlocked by destroying hostile vehicles with the weapon.

The player will become very tired of running away from these rifles while fighting Marshall, but they can use the MDI-68 themselves to return the pain. The signature ability Repulsor Beam pushes back enemies and can be unlocked by killing 5 Marshall Specialists with the rifle.

This sniper rifle will come in handy for players who light to get their kills at long range. The Bonus Round signature ability makes headshots with the weapon deal more damage and adds ammo to your reserve. You can unlock it by killing 20 enemies driving vehicles with the sniper rifle.

Unlocked through the research Venture, the Thrustbuster is a sticky football-shaped projectile that can be thrown or melee’d onto enemies. After a few seconds of contact, the ball’s propulsion system will engage and send the enemy or vehicle flying. The Mass Transit signature ability pulls along additional enemies and can be unlocked by using the Thrustbuster on Marshall troops during the research.