After much discussion at the June 28 Redgranite Village Board meeting, installing a dog park at East Side Park (east softball diamond) was tabled until further cost figures are gathered. Village President Belinda Passarelli questioned how the village could afford the costs that go along with funding and maintaining a dog park and said that this should not be approved until the board knows what the costs would be; this topic was brought up in 2021 and was tabled at that time.
ARPA Village Consultant Julie Fredrick said that several village residents have requested that Redgranite install a dog park, stating that the “majority of people don’t have an area for their dogs to run.” Fredrick has done research on the pros of having a dog park and said that people tend to move to municipalities that have dog parks and that dogs are less troublesome at home when they have exercised at a dog park.
Frederick said that the dog park would need signage, trees, benches, and a disposal station for dog waste. She suggested that the village or other organizations do fundraising to purchase the needed items for a dog park.
Village resident Shannon Henke was at the board meeting and opposed installing a dog park. She said that she has heard village residents, who live near East Side Park, opposing the idea.
Village Clerk Christy Groskreutz reported that the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program balance at the end of the 2nd quarter is $92,808. These funds are available to eligible village residents for home rehabilitation.
Village President Belinda Passarelli told the board that the Redgranite Advancement Association (RAA) reported that their donations are down by 31%, compared to last year. She encouraged people and businesses to donate to the RAA so they can continue the annual Labor Day festival and do other positive things to improve Redgranite.
Passarelli also told the board that there is a need for more enrichment leaders in the A+ Afterschool Program in Redgranite and in Wautoma. She encouraged people to participate in the program by calling the Wautoma Area School District office.
In other business, the board approved:
*The Hunting Review Committee meeting for Wednesday, August 3 at 6 p.m. at the municipal building. Officials on the committee are Belinda Passarelli, Ellen Caswell, and Kyle Tarr.
•The next Committee of the Whole meetings for Tuesday, July 12 and Monday, July 25 at 6 p.m. at the municipal building. The committee will continue the review of village ordinances.
•Clarifier baffle replacement project by Crane Engineering for $20,948.00. Funds were used from the Equipment Replacement Fund.
•Flow proportional signal to samplers, move low temp sensors, purchase spare heater and add SCADA controls for new aerator VFD by P.J. Kortens for $3,950.00
•The purchase of two AED units from Responder Services for $3,332.00 (need updated units to be compatible with Waushara County EMS), the purchase of a thermal printer for new squad car, from Rugged Depot for $464.74 (the current one is outdated and unreliable) and the purchase of RAM mount holder for printer from Rugged Depot for $147.70.
•Resolution 2022-06 Compliance Maintenance Annual Report.
•Resolution 2022-07, amending the Articles of Organization and By-Laws of East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission.
*Annual applications for the licenses to sell cigarettes; licenses to sell liquor, beer, and wine; operator’s licenses; and an application for mobile home park license. The license applications are approved from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023.
•Opening a bank account for quarry fundraising and other park donations and disbursements.
•The appointment of Eric Nelson and Becky Nisiewicz to the Quarry Committee.
•Putting $4,700 into the Machinery Fund, from the sale of the yellow truck.
•A request by the Redgranite Area Fire District to close Dearborn Street from behind Sanicker’s Pub to the fire station on Thursday, September 29, from 6:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for hose testing. Also approved borrowing village barricades. The village clerk will alert local businesses by enclosing the information in upcoming sewer/water bills.
•A request to shoot off fireworks in the village on Sunday, September 4, at dusk, by Wolverine Fireworks Display, for the Labor Day celebration.
The next Redgranite Village Board meeting is on July 26 at 7 p.m. at the municipal building.
W7781 State Rd. 21 & 73 Wautoma, WI 54982
© 2022 Waushara Argus