The likely reason Ford owners hear farting noises from their capless fuel filler door near the gas tank - Alt Car news

2022-06-11 00:13:58 By : Ms. Rose Huang

Barstool Sports shared a concerning yet funny video originally uploaded by Instagram user @ryeeloren asking her followers for help with her car. The problem? Her Ford Fusion was making what sounds like farting noises from her Fusion’s capless fuel filler door.

Check out the funny video for yourself below.

They don’t call it a gas tank for nothing @BussinWTB (via ig: ryleeloren)

“My f****** gas tank is farting, what the f***?” Loren points out to her followers.

“Is it going to explode? Why is it farting at me? I don’t understand what’s going on. I literally put gas in it three days ago. Somebody that knows cars, just let me know.”

After some Googling, it looks like this is a problem mostly Ford owners experience, although, manifesting under different symptoms, this problem can happen to any modern car.

What Loren is experiencing is definitely an issue with her Evaporative Emissions System.

Since the early 1970s, all cars come equipped with evaporative emissions controls, a system of hoses, valves, and vapor trapping charcoal canisters that are meant to capture and burn fuel vapors that normally would’ve vented into the open air.

If any part of this system is compromised, a common symptom in these Fords is what sounds like farting noises coming from the fuel filler door.

I’ve listed my sources below, but what most Ford owners found is this is an issue with the evaporative canister purge solenoid valve (part of figure 1 above.)

It sounds expensive, but this part can be sourced for as little as $17.

Contrary to popular belief, in conjunction with your engine’s air intake, your gas tank is often under slight negative pressure.

If too much negative pressure builds up or a negative pressure test is run and your evaporative emissions system can’t purge built up fuel vapors because of a damaged purge solenoid, the system will naturally seek vacuum elsewhere.

Since Ford’s come with capless fuel fillers, the next source of vacuum is at the hole where you insert the gas pump nozzle.

Youtuber PS Automotive explains the issue a lot better than I ever can.

A common way for the evaporative canister purge solenoid valve to get damaged is by overfilling or topping off at the gas pump.

Meant only to suck in vapors, if, because you top off and force liquid gas into your EVAP emissions controls systems, valves, and solenoids can get damaged.

If you’re in the habit of topping off, especially if you have a Ford, here’s your sign to stop doing that.

Regardless of what car you have, when filling up, get into the habit of stopping after the first click.

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