Highlights of May 16 meeting of Washington Township trustees:
Park – No problems, doing maintenance and mowing
Zoning – One permit issued and variance at the BZA meeting was approved until July 15. Several other items are being worked on.
Fire – As of meeting date, department had made 27 runs in May, with 201 for year. The department will have the fire trailer for second-graders at Washington Elementary on May 23. It will participate in Memorial Day parades in Alliance and Marboro Township. Training with Alliance on May 18, and the golf outing will be Sept. 11. Several purchase orders were approved, including $2,246.18 to Albright Electric for new lights on fire station; $297 to MES for three buckets of foam; and $977.88 to MES for a new item for truck No. 1.
Road – Ditching on Bayton and Anderson, new hydraulic hose and filter on mowing tractor, replaced broken window on backhoe, did hand patching on Moulin and Linwood and replaced sign on Frederick. Trustees approved Allied for gravel, East Fairfield Stone for limestone and Shelly Co. for summer road paving.
• Carolyn Caskey from Washington Township Historical Society said flags will be put on graves at 1:30 p.m. May 22. The group seeks volunteers to assist. Memorial Day service will be 2 p.m. May 29 at the memorial by the township's fire station, and the group's annual flag burning will be 6:30 p.m. June 14. Used or torn flags can be left at the Township Administration Building anytime before that date.
UPCOMING – Trustees next will meet at 6:30 p.m. June 5.